Monday, January 9, 2012

What is low back pain?

The lower back helps in supporting the structure of the body, movement and protection of some body tissues. When we do different types of motor activities by our waist, the lower back supports the movements.
Low back pain is the disorder which affects the muscular and skeletal systems of the body. Major group of the population is affected by this disorder at different stages of their life. There are three types of the lower back pain:
1.     Acute lower back pain- In this type of disorder the pain exists for less than four weeks.
2.     Sub acute – In this type of disorder the pain exists for the duration of four to twelve weeks.
3.     Chronic - In this type of disorder the pain exists for more than twelve weeks.
 The lower back pain occurs due to the occurrence of sprain or strain in the muscular or tissue areas of the lower back. The occurrence of torn in the soft ligaments or injury in intervertebral discs of the lower back can also be a cause of pain which is due to over activity done by the lower back.
The lower back pain is generally common in the people in their later stages of life as due to ageing they face the problem of shrinkage of the tissues and ligaments of the lower back due to which friction occurs in the vertebrae and hence pain is caused. For the prevention of occurrence of the lower back pain one should always keep the lower back flexible by doing regular exercising. The people suffering from obesity or increment in weight also face the pain of the lower back as their lower back is not able to support too much weight of the upper part of the body.
To protect the lower back pain from occurring two main things should always be kept in mind, firstly, the weight should be in control according to the body mass index standards and regular exercising should be done to make the lower back flexible enough to do the different types of movements.
The cigarette smokers are also on a great risk of getting the lower back pain as the nicotine deteriorates the spine and reduces the proper blood flow to the lower regions of the spine due to which the discs degenerate and hence lower back pain is caused.
The treatment of the lower back pain can be done in the following manners:
1.     The method of self care in which application of hot and cold temperatures is included and appropriate exercises are done for normal movement of the back.
2.     Medications of different types are given like pain killers and anti- inflammatory agents.
3.     The physical therapy which can help in the restoration of the movement and restoration of the back can be done. The therapy includes massaging, radio therapy, aerobic exercise etc.
4.     The physical activity done in the comfort zone of the pain can also help in the reduction of the pain. Even in the case of severe pain some activity should always be done to prevent the further deterioration of the movement and strength of the back.

The above treatment is generally preferred for the cases of acute lower back pain.

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