Nanorobots is a small device which are mainly used to protect the human body. The nanodevices use dimension scales mentioned as nanometers. The diameters of these are approximately 0.5 to 3
microns. Nanorobots protect the human body from all sorts of pathogens. These nanorobots use carbon as the main element. They contain nanocomposites of carbon in the form of diamond/ fullerene. These are preferred due to its strength and rather importantly due to its chemical inertness. You can also avoid the attack by the host’s immune system with a passive diamond coating. For this you should use a smoother and flawless coating.You can power the nanorobots by metabolising local glucose and oxygen for energy. In a clinical environment you could also use external acoustic energy. Nanorobots would have onboard computers for performing 1000 or fewer computations per second. Communication with the device is done through broadcast-type acoustic signaling. You should install navigational network in the body with providing high positional accuracy in passing nanorobots. Nanorobots are able to distinguish the different cell types. This can be done by checking their surface antigens. When nanorobotscomplete the task, it retrieves them to exfuse themselves through the human excretory systems.
Some of the applications of nanorobots are as described below:
1. It can be used in curing skin diseases. For this they use a cream which contains nanorobots. They are capable of removing the correct amount of dead skin. They are also used in removing the excess oils and apply the accurate moisturizing compounds. They enter deeply into the pores and clean all dirt’s. These creams are made as peel-off for convenience.
2. If you use these nanomachines to wash your mouths, they identify and destroy all the pathogenic bacteria. Thus, they allow the harmless flora contained in your mouth to flourish. This device also identifies food particles, plaque, or tartar and rinses them from the teeth. If you suspend them in the liquid they easily reach out the surfaces where the toothbrush bristles cannot reach.
3. There are medical nanodevices, which finds the unwanted bacteria and viruses as well as augments the immune system by finding and disabling. These nanorobots device works in bloodstream and would nibble away all the arteriosclerotic deposits. This widens the affected blood vessels. These entire cell herding devices restores artery walls and artery linings to health. They ensure that all the right cells are in correct places and checks whether the supporting structures are in the right places. Thus this nanorobot prevents most heart attacks.
Nanorobots functions mostly at the atomic level or molecular level. They build devices, machines, or circuits for their functioning. These processes are known as molecular manufacturing. Nanorobotsalso produce various copies of themselves. These would gradually replace worn-out units. This copy of production is called as self-replication. From the very development of Nanorobots, they are considered as a topic of special interest for all the researchers in the medical industry. Due to the popularity, it has given rise to a new economy in the field of nanomedicine. They give the guarantee that a fleet or group of nanorobots definitely would serve as antibodies. These antiviral agents would be present in the patients with compromised immune systems.
There are various potentially important medical applications of these nanorobots. They include repairing the damaged tissue, replacement of the human body parts and in fact very important is the unblocking of arteries affected by plaques. The very important advantage of nanorobots is their durability. These are specially designed to operate for years. nanorobots use the nanoscale systems. These are used because they can operate even faster than the large counterparts. The reason for this is that the displacements are small. This feature allows both mechanical and electrical events for occurring in very less time at a very high given speed.
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